Here you can find paintings of medium size in landscape mode (from 60 high x 80 wide and 75 cm high x 100 wide). By clicking on the pictures you will get a great view, with an additional zoom-function for a detailed presentation. Of course, here in the public sector we show only a small number of paintings.
Each painting is of course a unique piece - a kind. The original (acrylic on canvas), there is only once! An original is of course more expensive. For my fans that do not want to invest so much money and there is the possibility of my work as a poster, as an art print, on canvas, on aluminum plates, to order as postcards or as a calendar. Additionally, we offer some merchandise like t-shirts, mugs and caps. All information in this shop.
If you are interested in more paintings, please contact us via the contact form for a free login and password. In the login-area you can look without obligation after your favorite picture. All images are signed by the artist and are provided with a certificate of authenticity.
But if you want to order paintings as posters, on aluminum on canvas or as a postcard right here online (not limited edition), then you can do that here in our webshop.
For more information please also see "Prices". Try with the room-views which painting fits to your home!